Students » Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy


Thomas A. Edison Career & Technical Education H.S.
165-65 84th Ave. * Jamaica, New York 11432 * (718) 2976580 * Fax (718) 658 – 0365
Moses Ojeda, Principal
Adam H. Boxer,
Assistant Principal Administration & Instruction
Ext. 1332/1333

Daily attendance is essential to full participation in all learning experiences as well as establishing a work ethic that will benefit students at higher levels of education and future employment.
Parent (s)/guardians will be notified of absence from school via our automated calling system; therefore, it is important for student biographical information to be updated and correct. Parent(s)/guardians are expected to submit a note or letter explaining their child’s absence from school.
Absence from school is excusable for personal illness, religious observance, attendance at special events authorized by the school, or a family emergency beyond the student’s control, such as fire or death in the family. A note from a doctor or health-care professional should be provided in cases of extended or frequent absences due to illness. If students are absent from school for reasons other than those listed above, documentation of the reason from the absence must be presented to the school (e.g. court order, college visitation, etc.).
Students must present their absence notes to all their teachers. Subject area teachers will sign the absence not, document the excuse, and return the note to the student. Once all teachers have signed a student’s note, the student must return the note to the Attendance Office (Located in the Main Office).
Parents (s)/guardians should also call their child’s guidance counselor in cases of extended absences due to illnesses or the death of an immediate family member. Guidance Counselors will make the necessary notifications to subject area teachers and coordinate a plan for the make up of missed schoolwork.
Family vacations should be planned to coincide with vacation days and weeks of the annual school calendar.