Our school was selected to participate in the Future Ready NYC and Modern Youth Apprenticeship Pilot Program. These career-connected student-pathway programs were created and aligned with Chancellor Bank's North Star Vision of long-term economic security and opportunity for DOE students.
The Future Ready program allows schools to create new career-connected programs aligned to in-demand, high-wage jobs and education programs. Students participating will be exposed to career-connected courses, work-based learning experiences, early college credits, industry credentials, and career advisement.
We are starting this pilot program with our 10th-year students to participate in a College and Career Prep Workshop. This course is a 30-hour course that will explain the purpose of attending college, assist students with overcoming obstacles to achieve goals, assist with college applications, and provide methods on how to thrive in college by focusing on time management and study skills. The course will be held at Thomas A. Edison Career and Technical Education High school and will run until the end of January. Meeting times and dates will soon be announced once the program is finalized.
Please note that this is a prerequisite for future CUNY college courses. If you are interested in this program and can commit to attending all 30 hours total, please register for this program using the link that was sent to your family's email account. If you did not receive any registration email, please email [email protected]. We will reply with the registration link. Please indicate the student's first and last name and OSIS number in the email.