Athletics Spectator Policy
Opposing teams will not be permitted into the building before 3:45PM.
Currently, Thomas Edison CTE High School is NOT allowing spectators from outside of our school community, except for parents/guardians of our current opponent. Only players, coaches, and managers listed on the PSAL website will be permitted to enter the building. All listed managers must be seated with the team on the bench or at the scorer’s table. Any visitors or guests from other schools will not be permitted into the building. This policy will be strictly enforced. Please share this with your coaching staff, faculty, athletes, and their families.
Upon arrival into our building, all student athletes and managers must be accompanied by their head coach. Teams will enter through the main entrance on 84th Avenue and check-in at the school safety desk. Then, coaches and teams will be escorted to a changing space and their bench. Coaches must actively supervise their players/managers at all times.
Spectator Doors Open: 4:00PM for 4:30PM games & 4:30PM for 5:00PM games Spectator Doors Close: 5:30PM for all games
Parents of our current opponent’s players may come to Edison to watch the game and must pre register. Click here to pre-register. They must be adults and present photo ID along with the name of the student-athlete they are coming to watch. Be advised that each opposing player will only be permitted 2 parents/guardians. Any additional family members will not be admitted into the building.
At the conclusion of the game, please ensure that benches and changing areas are clear from all belongings, debris, and litter. Coaches must escort their team out of the building.
Thomas Edison CTE Student and Families Policy
Entry Fee: TBA before games
The following policy is set forth to ensure safety and security for all who participate and attend athletic events.
Blue Card Parents/Guardians of Thomas Edison High School will be permitted to attend home games. Anyone who is not a blue-card parent/guardian must be accompanied by a blue-card parent/guardian.
Edison Parents/Guardians must:
- Click Here →Pre-register for the event/game Thomas Edison email must be used. 2. Present Photo ID upon entry. No ID, No Entry
- Must sit in the designated bleacher area for families and adults.
Thomas Edison High School students will be permitted to attend home games if they have a clean deans record.
Edison Students must:
- Present their own School ID upon entry and swipe in. No ID, No Entry.
- Must sit in the designated bleacher area for students opposite benches
All spectators (Guests and Edison Community) are expected to behave in a manner that reflects the Thomas Edison CTE High School core values. Therefore, all spectators must remain in the stands/bleachers during the game. Profanity, verbal abuse, or violent behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. Suppose a spectator is identified as behaving in a manner unbecoming to Thomas Edison CTE High School core values. In that case, they will be escorted out of the gymnasium and face possible suspension from future games. At the conclusion of games, spectators must leave the gym immediately through exits as directed by School Safety and staff. Spectators are not permitted on the court at any point during or after the game.
Fans are permitted to use the restrooms by the main desk during time-outs and/or after each of the first 3 quarters. Please do not leave the gym during gameplay as it will disturb the game and teams.
NOTICE: Once you leave the building you will not be permitted to re-enter.