Family Engagement » Attendance Office

Attendance Office

Attendance Office

Good attendance is critical to a successful high school experience for your child. All matters pertaining to daily and classroom attendance are handled in the Attendance Office.

Lunch forms and PIN Numbers, Metro cards and address updates are also issued from the Attendance Office.

  1. Daily Attendance: In order to be marked present, students MUST be in their correct classroom at the correct start time of the class. Subject class attendance is taken EVERY period of EVERY day. Simply being present in the building DOES NOT qualify as attendance.

  2. Lateness: Students who are unavoidably late should bring either a doctor’s note or a signed note from their parent, including the parent’s daytime telephone number.

  3. Absences: Students should make every effort to attend school everyday. If a child is absent, they should bring a note from their parent on the first day that they return to school. The note should include the parent’s daytime telephone number so that the absence can be verified. The student should show the note to all of their classroom teachers (so that they can take it into account when calculating the child’s grade), and then leave the note in the Attendance Office (so that the note can be included in the child’s biographical record).

  4. Extended Absences: If a student will be absent for 3 or more days, both the attendance office and the child’s guidance counselor should be contacted.

  5. Metro cards: Students are issued one Metro card at the beginning of each term. If the card is lost or destroyed, there is a wait period of 10 school days before a new card can be issued. Students may report lost cards in the Attendance Office during their lunch period. They will be required to show their school I.D. and their program card.

  6. Lunch Forms: Regardless of eligibility, ALL students MUST complete a lunch form and return it. Students must have and know their 6 digit PIN number in order to get lunch.

  7. Suspensions and Attendance: If your child is suspended, whether in-house or to an alternative site, you WILL continue to receive the daily absence telephone call from Edison. Once the Attendance Office receives confirmation from either the in-house office or the off-site facility that the child attended as required, their daily attendance will be corrected.

  8. Trips and attendance: If your child goes on a school-sponsored trip during a regular school day, you WILL receive the daily absence telephone call from Edison. Your child's attendance will be corrected after the trip roster is turned in to the Attendance Office.

  9. Biographical Updates: It is imperative that the school have current and correct address and telephone information on all of our students. All changes of telephone numbers and addresses should be reported to the attendance office, preferably accompanied by a utility bill.

  10. Parental Inquiries: The Attendance Office urges all parents to call regularly to confirm their child’s attendance. It is best to call between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., and to have your child’s OSIS number (or NYC Student I.D. number) available. If you request “Period Attendance”, we can tell you all the periods that your child has missed during the current week.


Students receive the following levels of Metro cards based on the distance that they live from the school. These criteria are set by the Office of Pupil Transportation using the following criteria

If you live:

  • 1.5 or more miles from the Metro card
  • .5 to 1.5 miles from the school.............half fare Metro card
  • Less than .5 mile from the school.........not entitled to Metro card