
Administrative Staff Contact Info/Email:
Moses Ojeda 
Phone: (718) 297-6580 Ext. 1271
Emanuel Collado
Assistant Principal Organization
Phone: (718) 297-6580 Ext. 1311
Navindra Haripersaud 
Assistant Principal of CTE
Phone: (718) 297-6580 Ext. 4171
Stewart Jamieson
Assistant Principal of Guidance
Phone: (718) 297-6580 Ext. 1388
Patricia Minogue 
Assistant Principal of English
Phone: (718) 297-6580 Ext. 2341
Stacy Conway
Assistant Principal of Math
Phone: (718) 297-6580 Ext. 3191
Lotus Triola 
Assistant Principal of Science 
Phone: (718) 297-6580 Ext. 2071
Charles J. Cremeans 
Assistant Principal of Social Studies & Foreign Language
Phone: (718) 297-6580 Ext. 1181
Andrea Scolavino 
Assistant Principal of ISS, Art and Music
Phone: (718) 297-6580 Ext. 1033
Mark D'elia 
Assistant Principal of Physical Education
Phone: (718) 297-6580 Ext. 1547