Physical Education & Health

Mr. Mark Delia, Assistant Principal 
Thomas Edison High School's Health and Physical Education program provides our students with knowledge, motivation, and training in living healthy, fit, and successful lives. Our program helps our students perform better in all aspects of life. The program helps students develop physical and mental fitness as well as emotional and social skills. Our healthy students have more energy and perform better in academics and athletics. At Edison, we strive to develop lifetime health and fitness enthusiasts.
Physical Education & Health Course Offerings

Health Education

This course knowledge, motivation, and skills in Goal Setting, Decision Making, Mental Health Emotional Health, Social Health, Nutrition, Fitness, Weight Management, Stress Management, Communication, Relationships, Substance Use, and Abuse Prevention, Safety, First Aid, and Family Living,

Polar Bear

This is an outdoor class. The fall term will include Fitness, Soccer, and Football. The spring term will include Soccer, Football and (Track, Softball or Lacrosse). Tuesdays and Thursdays will consist of fitness with the indoor class. When indoors, you must wear school shorts and school shirt. Students who pass this class will receive an extra 10 points each marking period. You may wear thermals, compression pants, or tights under your sweats when it is very cold. You may wear layers of shirts or sweatshirts. No Jackets or Coats may be worn.

Indoor Sports

This class will usually consist of Volleyball, Basketball, Fitness exercises and testing. The polar bear class will join in on Tuesdays and Thursdays for fitness. You may only wear Edison school shorts and school shirt in this class.


This class will help you improve your level of fitness through the use of calisthenics, jump rope, and weightlifting. You will take your measurements, weight, and resting heart rate to see your level of improvement. You will learn basic nutrition, sports nutrition and other information that will help you look, feel and perform better in all aspects of life. Only school shorts and shirt will be allowed in the fitness class. Only responsible, well-behaved students will be admitted to this class. Any students who have behavior problems will be transferred out.

Aerobics / Extreme Aerobics

Improve your level of Health and Fitness through jump rope games and tricks as well as physical fitness routines. This class will help improve cardiovascular endurance as well as other aspects of fitness. Students will learn a variety of aerobic methods. This class also includes Project Adventure activities that help you have fun and develop your teamwork and conflict resolution skills. Enjoy cooperative learning games. Develop leadership, cooperation, and communication skills (verbal and nonverbal).