Ms. Gabriella Triola, Assistant Principal
The Science Department is committed to educating the students of Thomas Edison High School in a manner that leads to a greater understanding of scientific as well as moral principles. We believe that true scientific thought can lead individuals to make sound moral decisions that are the very centerpiece of a democratic society. As a result, we believe that for students to merely memorize information is not enough. Our science teachers are facilitators of understandings and insights that will help students in ways that memorization could never approach. Over the past two years, scores on all Science Regents exams have improved significantly. The department is very proud of the continuing achievement of our students and the professional development of our staff.
Science Course Offerings
Living Environment
The Living Environment is the science of life. Students will learn to explain, analyze and interpret biological processes and phenomena. Instruction will focus on understanding essential relationships, processes, mechanisms, and applications of concepts dealing with the diversity of life, genetics, evolution, reproduction and development, dynamic equilibrium, and ecology. Students must fulfill the laboratory requirement to be admitted to the required Regents examination at the end of the course.
Earth Science
This course focuses on the critical relationships, processes, mechanisms, and concepts in the field of earth science. Students will be required to exhibit creative problem solving, reasoning, and informed decision making. Students must fulfill the laboratory requirement to be admitted to the required Regents examination at the end of the course.
Physical Setting: Chemistry is the science of matter which includes concepts and the scientists who discovered them. Particular emphasis will be placed on scientific thinking and a scientific method. Topics include atomic theory, the Periodic Table, relationships between molecules, chemical bonding, the interrelationship between matter and energy, practical applications of chemical principles and nuclear chemistry. Prerequisite: Living Environment and Physical Setting: Physics. Students must fulfill the laboratory requirement to be admitted to the required Regents examination at the end of this course.
Physics is the science of energy which includes concepts and the scientists who discovered them. Students will gain an understanding and appreciation of the fact that physics today is based upon the achievements of the past. Particular emphasis will be placed on scientific thinking and a scientific method. Topics will include mechanics, subatomic investigations, cosmic developments, the role of transistors, and the laws of physics. Students must fulfill the laboratory requirement to be admitted to the required Regents examination at the end of this course.